With the concept album “Grave Robbers from Outer Space,” the band paid homage to the horror film “Plan 9 from Outer Space” directed by Ed Wood. The album was released on June 24, 2021, via the Rising Nemesis Records label. The cover was created by Leipzig-based comic artist and graphic designer Ralph Niese, who passed away shortly after; this album is dedicated to him.

In the same year, Thomas Weisswange switched from guitar to bass, and Carlo Stolze took over the second guitar.

Human Prey was founded in 2010 by Thomas Weisswange, then on guitar, Stefan Scheffler (guitar), and vocalist Korth. Originally conceived as a Groove-Death-Metal band in the vein of Suicide Silence, the band gradually evolved towards Slam Death Metal.

Several lineup changes followed. In 2016, vocalist Max Fiebig and drummer Sebastian Schmidt joined the band, further solidifying its musical direction towards a harder sound incorporating influences such as Brutal Death Metal and Technical Death Metal.

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